
  • GoogleSoftware Engineer, 2022 - Present
  • MyCase
    • Senior Software Engineer, 2020 - 2022
    • Software Engineer, 2018 - 2020
  • TenzarSoftware Engineer, 2017 - 2018
  • UCSD ExtensionFull-stack Development TA, 2017 - 2018


LanguagesTypeScript, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, Java, C, C++
TechnologiesReact, Rails, Django, Node.js, Bootstrap
ToolsGit, AWS, Linux


RecyCool is a game that teaches K-8 students about pollution and the benefits of recycling. I led full-stack development and created a leaderboard where schools can compete via a points-based leaderboard.
Unity, C#, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Tunely is an iOS app for creating collaborative playlists and streaming music. I integrated websockets and hosted the backend on AWS EC2.
Swift, Spotify API, Node.js, Express, MongoDB


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